Her Story ... Feminist & Activist
II. Tentative Beginnings
DS returns from Paris
Clash of views with Hoda Shara'awi's Feminist Union
Upon her return from France to Egypt as a married woman, Doria tried to join Hoda Sha’arawi’s Feminist Union, considering this a natural home for her interests and passions. Her efforts were blocked however by members of the Union who were close to Sha’arawi and wary of Doria’s special relationship with their leader.
Likewise, she was refused a teaching job at Cairo University for being “too modern”.
Not the type of person to settle into a traditional married woman’s role of home and hearth, she once again took up a previous job she had with the Ministry of Education as an inspector of French language in secondary schools across Egypt. Meanwhile, she looked for an opportunity to make a more meaningful contribution to her country.